Gold Medal
/As of today, I am officially an American Airlines Gold Member.
That means I have been on way too many planes this least 25,000 miles worth. It also means I get to skip security lines and go through the first class check-in, and board the plane first, even before the baby and old people cattle call.
So, at this momentous moment of accomplishment in my life, I would like to thank Ryan for booking excellent travel plans for us, I would like to thank all the venues in Virginia, Washington DC, and the West Coast because you give us way more miles than the Kentucky and other southern venues, I would like to thank American Airlines for hiring funny pilots, creating an amazing magazine that entertains all AA travel snobs like myself (American Way Magazine), and I would like to thank my dad who drove me back and forth to Mississippi once a month for about 10 years of my life and ensured that I never developed any sort of motion sickness.
To all of you, I am truly grateful. This is a real fine, real proud moment (reread that line in your mind and say it the way the cousin in Christmas Vacation talks. If you have not seen Christmas Vacation, stop what you are doing and go rent it and watch it now, otherwise, you know what I am talking about).
Finer things in life. Real fine.