Join Addison Road & Mocha Club
/Addison Road Suporting Child Mothers
I recently read a quote from Bono that said, “this is not a cause, this is an emergency.”
This was of course in response to his intensive work to help save the people of Africa. What a profound concept. As a believer in Jesus Christ I am called to help the widowed, the orphaned, the poor, the ill, the broken, and the devastated. It is not a cause, it is an emergency. Why? Because if I am not a part of what God has commissioned each one of us to do, then who will be a part of it? If I am not willing to be used, then who will He use? If I cannot give my money, my time, and my heart to those who most desperately need it, where will the help come from?
I am overwhelmed at the suffering and tragedy that is occurring in Africa. From the rampant AIDS epidemic, malaria, the nearly 25 million orphans, and the lack of clean water, education, and housing, the problems seem limitless. Still, in the midst of such darkness and suffering, there is HOPE.
Mocha Club is one of the many incredible organizations bringing hope to a hopeless generation of Africans and we are so excited to partner with them on this journey of healing and restoration. We would love for you to join alongside Addison Road as we get to know the women and children who reside at the Village of Hope in Uganda. Our goal as a band is to pour our hearts, time, and money into this beautiful community of women who have the chance to start over again. From the smallest things like clothes, school supplies, and basic medicine to larger needs like housing, safety, education, and healthcare; the Village of Hope provides everything these Child Mothers need to succeed in life while nurturing them in a loving, Christ-like community.
Ryan and I have a new saying, “something is better than nothing.” That’s what I think about when I wrestle with the issues of poverty. It is so big and overwhelming that I could simply do nothing. But the truth is I can take small steps, only $7 a month and I can be a part of changing a village, and that is incredibly exciting to me. We can all do something, large or small…something is better than nothing!
Join us. Mocha Club, Addison Road, the Village of Hope, and you…your heart will never be the same and these women and children will never be the same either.
Click on the banner above, or HERE to join, find out more about Mocha Club, and to make a change.