3 Day Challenge
/Part Two
The last twenty four hours I have: Eaten out twice. Watched two hours of American Idol (anyone else LOVE the Australian guy?). Watched a little World News Tonight with Charlie Gibson. Did a very, very thorough flossing job on my teeth. Went to the grocery store to try a new brand of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, this time, it was Phish Food and it is amazing. Cleaned my closet. Made the bed...the real way, where you re-fluff the down cover, tighten the sheets up, beat the pillows, and even used the lent brush to get away little hairs. Had a lunch meeting with all the guys in the band and our manager. And, um, folded laundry while tidying up the drawers in the bathroom and have also read numerous blogs and even digressed to reading the comments on the blogs. Oh, and yes, went to see my in-laws!
I am 50 pages into one book.
Pathetic. I am headed off to a reading sanctuary right now...outside, and I am hoping to make some magic happen. Ryan says I should throw in the towel and admit that I cannot read one book in a week much less three books in three days, of course, this is only fuel. Fuel for my reading rainbow fire!!!
I am off to conquer the world of words! I love books!