Time to Write...
/So if you want to be a guest blogger for this site, listen up!
To give you a little guidance in this process, otherwise I will never coordinate it, let's do this:
Send me your blog entry by January 25th. It needs to be no longer than one and a half pages in a word document (my longest blogs, which can be really long, are never more than a page and a few paragraphs). And when you email your blog to me, please include two attachments, the actual blog, and then a picture of yourself. Also make sure you write your full name, where you are from, and your personal blog site if you want me to list it!
One of the best parts of my job is meeting people from all over the country and world. Hearing people's stories. Their journeys. Having someone come up after a show and give me a poem or a song they were inspired to write. Listening to people's tragedies and joys. Having a complete stranger totally make me laugh or think or smile. Meeting students, parents, smart people, funny people, average people. It's a kaleidoscope out there of randomness and beauty.
You are apart of that. So am I. We make up this crazy little world...and I think it's pretty cool we get to share it together. So share some part of yourself with the rest of us...