L and C and Joplin

Hey Friends- Only three months ago I was in Joplin, Missouri leading worship for a crazy bunch a kids that I grew to love. Over the years, Addison Road has performed numerous times in Joplin. We've grown to love the people. The city. The churches. The Bridge. The frozen custard from Shake's. Even the Home Depot- because of course, it wouldn't be a proper Addison Road trip unless there was a break down- in this case it was not  an emotional breakdown- but mechanical- and the Home Depot man in Joplin actually helped us fix the problem.

Tragedy- in all shapes and sizes- hits closer to home when the people have a name, and the city has a favorite custard shop, and the streets feel a little like your own.

By now, you have seen the devestation that has occured in Joplin, MO and maybe you are wanting to help. Our friend, Greg Walker, is the student pastor at Forest Park Baptist Church located in the heart of Joplin. And simply put, they need money.

"Those wanting to help, the best thing u can do is send money. I know that sounds bad, but it's true. We can use your man power next week and the rest of the year. Now, we need money to feed people, get meds and physical needs. You can do this at www.fpbc.net or theredcross."

Please consider making a donation to help the people in Joplin.

If you want to send your money somewhere where it will be used NOW, please donate at FPBC.net and include "torando relief" in the gift. The church- one of the few very large buildings that remained intact-  is actively providing meals, medicine, water, and serving as a meeting place for volunteers and those who have lost their homes. I trust this church with my money and I believe in the hard work of their members and staff; they will care for people in practical, basic ways over the next 72 hours  and they need our help.

If you live in, near, or  around Joplin and want to help on the ground through Forest Park Baptist Church you can bring bottled water, sandwhiches, and other ready to eat foods to the church's Joplin campus. You can also bring supplies for clean-up efforts. Gloves, shovels, masks, boots, antiseptic, etc.  These are the initial things they are seeking.

Volunteers wanting to help on the ground should report to MSSU's recreation center.

You can also donate blood through the Red Cross.

Whether the tragedy is in Tuscaloosa or Haiti, Japan or New York City- or today, in Joplin, Missouri; Christ followers are called to follow the example of Jesus himself who fed the hungry, comforted the children, healed the sick, and loved people with every means available to Him.

What means are available to you?

Through prayer, volunteering, and giving away our money- we imitate our Savior and we show the world what is best about the human spirit

love and compassion

Whatever means are available to you today... show love and compassion.


Rescue Me




please don't.

Just let me die here.


Annie and I had an amazing trip to Hawaii visiting my sister Melissa. It was perfect until we had to come home :) We missed Ryan though;  so the eight hour plane ride (seven and a half of which my precious daughter decided not to sleep), five hour time zone change, and Texas heat were well worth the journey home.  I'll be back to writing soon. Until then, enjoy my Hawaii pictures here.